So, you've kept it a secret for 12 weeks, your own little bundle of joy just between furture mum and future dad.
BUT THEN (Dramatic Hollywood movie promo style voice) comes THE SCAN! - you see baby, everything is fine, you get emotional....
AND THEN (Hollywood movie style voice very imporant here) it's time to tell YOUR PARENTS!
We did it all on Monday, first to my in laws because they a) live closer and b) have been through loads in life. Short version is Pam is diabetic and her brother Rob has recovered from meningitis having lost his arms and legs below the elbow and knee. To say I both love and admire my brother in law is putting it mildly.
They were over the moon and wonderfully happy but already worrying about Pam working too hard and her diabetes. Enter super hubby who was able to reassure, calm and comfort them she wasn't working too hard and the diabetes is perfect.
And then on to my dad. Who lives a while away from us and on his own since my mum moved into a nursing home because of her dementia.
We all been through mill with her, agonising to see a brilliant women slowly succumb to a right c*** of an illness.
So telling my dad was particularly emotional, one being the son telling his own dad he would be a grandfather but also some good news he had been craving for months.
It's given him and all our families such a boost. If baby bear is already this loved then he/she will never lack for it when they emerge into the big wide world.
All in all Monday was a bit of a blur! But keep it a secret again? Oh hell yeah, those first few weeks are just lovely.
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