Thursday 3 April 2014

Another wonderful moment!

Just when you think pregnancy is already wonderful and amazing, it continues to make you smile with the littlest thing.

Another fab moment for us was the midwife appointment on Tuesday with Helen Kirby, a lovely midwife who clearly cares for her mums.
Everything is fine, bloods, wee, etc etc, gory etc!

We had a lovely appointment and then it was time, time to try and listen to baby bear’s little heartbeat.
Helen explained that sometimes it proved quite difficult to locate the heartbeat as not all babies are obliging and lying in a good position.

Well baby bear soon put her right! No sooner did the equipment go on her belly but that sound appeared, a sort of wavey like woo woo woo woo.
I didn’t quite cry this time but it was still a wonderful moment to hear him or her in Pam’s tummy and know he/she was so obliging. Apparently little one can hear us now so I can’t help wonder whether baby bear was being helpful to ensure we didn’t worry!

I know it meant a lot to Pam as well, she beamed the moment it appeared and I was delighted for her, another example of just how fantastic she is growing our baby and managing the pregnancy.
I just can’t get over pregnancy, it’s like Christmas ever few weeks as there always seems to be a treat for you to rejoice at.

Three weeks from now there will be another visit to see baby bear and find out whether we have a winky or no winky!

Until then baby bear we shall leave you in peace!

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